Thursday, February 7, 2013

That's Dystopian-Tastic...


       In my English I class, we are reading books about dystopian societies. We could chose from five books, so I chose Delirium. I'll be honest with why I chose it... I chose it because it looked the least stupid out of the books. And I was already reading two of them when we got to choose... So, yeah. I actually like it more than I thought I would... It's very interesting. I like its plot and its conflict, and its characters actually have some depth, unlike some other dystopian society books I've read. It has basically zero romance in it for being a book about amor delira nervosa, which is basically love. The people in the United States are not allowed to love though, and when they are eighteen, they undergo a surgery that prevents them from loving (or feeling anything else, really).
                                   This is the book cover. It fits.  
Here's the official Delirium website    
And here's where you can buy the book online

       This book really fits the dystopian criteria... There is somewhat of a hierarchial society. There is a very strict conformity. Very, very strict. There sure as hell is a disgust with the world outside. There is constant surveilance of the citizens.. (That sucks). And, hey, guess what? The protagonist questions society!

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